Encouraging Line Up Only usage

This update is a push towards displaying planners more honestly as reflection of the data available.

Line-up only changes and improvements

In a bid to reduce any confusion by site visitors I have made two changes to qplanner.

In the creator

When saving a planner with the Partially correct accuracy setting, you will now be prompted to consider switching to Line-up Only mode.

Planners for events, with running orders (Day & Stage for each performance), that do not have stage times officially available yet should use this mode. It simply hides the stage times, and shows the plain times view. Logos, headliner/notable status, and signed are all correctly shown still.

And, of course, if you only have the day or stage that performances will be on, then please use Stub Mode!

Viewing on a phone

On desktop Line-up only uses pools to show as many days at a time that you screen can fit. This feature has been extended to mobile now, too.
So for events with 3 days you'll find most devices can show the full line-up without having to switch between pages.
This change does not affect events with stage times, those are still displayed with one day per page. (You might be able to convince me to add an option)

Modern history

Viewing an older revision of a planner was relegated to the old planner viewer, which doesn't support any of the newer features.
So to avoid confusion, and tidy up the site, I've switched it over to the new planner site.

Other changes

  • Fixed enabling Hide non-selected acts PDF output from the website
  • Fixed typo when adding the showtimes flag to PDF from the website
  • [PDF] Fixed older planners displaying with narrow column backgrounds
  • [iCal] Fixed generating iCals from planner previews
  • Fixed the event date shown in search results
  • Improved dragging away Auto Select on desktop