string(7) "removed" NULL string(5) "added" object(stdClass)#1897 (1) { ["artists"]=> object(stdClass)#1898 (1) { ["241"]=> object(stdClass)#1210 (5) { ["id"]=> int(243) ["title"]=> string(14) "The Pretenders" ["artistInfo"]=> bool(true) ["logo"]=> bool(false) ["collaboration"]=> bool(false) } } } string(9) "modifiedO" object(stdClass)#1462 (3) { ["info"]=> object(stdClass)#1463 (1) { ["lastEdited"]=> int(1687343400) } ["artists"]=> object(stdClass)#1893 (1) { ["186"]=> object(stdClass)#1894 (2) { ["id"]=> int(186) ["title"]=> string(23) "Speakers Corner Quartet" } } ["performances"]=> object(stdClass)#2024 (2) { ["65"]=> object(stdClass)#2025 (2) { ["id"]=> int(65) ["artistID"]=> int(186) } ["106"]=> object(stdClass)#2075 (2) { ["id"]=> int(106) ["artistID"]=> int(194) } } } string(9) "modifiedN" object(stdClass)#1464 (3) { ["info"]=> object(stdClass)#1465 (1) { ["lastEdited"]=> int(1687447370) } ["artists"]=> object(stdClass)#1895 (1) { ["186"]=> object(stdClass)#1896 (2) { ["id"]=> int(242) ["title"]=> string(157) "Speakers Corner Quartet Featuring Coby Sey, Tirzah, Confucius Mc, Joe Armon-Jones, Lea Sen, Kae Tempest, Leilah, James Massiah, Tawiah And Shabaka Hutchings." } } ["performances"]=> object(stdClass)#2026 (2) { ["65"]=> object(stdClass)#2027 (2) { ["id"]=> int(246) ["artistID"]=> int(242) } ["106"]=> object(stdClass)#2076 (2) { ["id"]=> int(247) ["artistID"]=> int(243) } } } object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch)#1459 (2) { ["flags":"Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch":private]=> int(0) ["operations":"Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch":private]=> array(15) { [0]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Test)#1460 (3) { ["op"]=> string(4) "test" ["path"]=> string(16) "/info/lastEdited" ["value"]=> int(1687343400) } [1]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Replace)#1461 (3) { ["op"]=> string(7) "replace" ["path"]=> string(16) "/info/lastEdited" ["value"]=> int(1687447370) } [2]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Test)#1891 (3) { ["op"]=> string(4) "test" ["path"]=> string(15) "/artists/186/id" ["value"]=> int(186) } [3]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Replace)#1892 (3) { ["op"]=> string(7) "replace" ["path"]=> string(15) "/artists/186/id" ["value"]=> int(242) } [4]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Test)#1899 (3) { ["op"]=> string(4) "test" ["path"]=> string(18) "/artists/186/title" ["value"]=> string(23) "Speakers Corner Quartet" } [5]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Replace)#1900 (3) { ["op"]=> string(7) "replace" ["path"]=> string(18) "/artists/186/title" ["value"]=> string(157) "Speakers Corner Quartet Featuring Coby Sey, Tirzah, Confucius Mc, Joe Armon-Jones, Lea Sen, Kae Tempest, Leilah, James Massiah, Tawiah And Shabaka Hutchings." } [6]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Add)#1956 (3) { ["op"]=> string(3) "add" ["path"]=> string(12) "/artists/241" ["value"]=> object(stdClass)#1210 (5) { ["id"]=> int(243) ["title"]=> string(14) "The Pretenders" ["artistInfo"]=> bool(true) ["logo"]=> bool(false) ["collaboration"]=> bool(false) } } [7]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Test)#2022 (3) { ["op"]=> string(4) "test" ["path"]=> string(19) "/performances/65/id" ["value"]=> int(65) } [8]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Replace)#2023 (3) { ["op"]=> string(7) "replace" ["path"]=> string(19) "/performances/65/id" ["value"]=> int(246) } [9]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Test)#2030 (3) { ["op"]=> string(4) "test" ["path"]=> string(25) "/performances/65/artistID" ["value"]=> int(186) } [10]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Replace)#2031 (3) { ["op"]=> string(7) "replace" ["path"]=> string(25) "/performances/65/artistID" ["value"]=> int(242) } [11]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Test)#2073 (3) { ["op"]=> string(4) "test" ["path"]=> string(20) "/performances/106/id" ["value"]=> int(106) } [12]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Replace)#2074 (3) { ["op"]=> string(7) "replace" ["path"]=> string(20) "/performances/106/id" ["value"]=> int(247) } [13]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Test)#2078 (3) { ["op"]=> string(4) "test" ["path"]=> string(26) "/performances/106/artistID" ["value"]=> int(194) } [14]=> object(Swaggest\JsonDiff\JsonPatch\Replace)#2079 (3) { ["op"]=> string(7) "replace" ["path"]=> string(26) "/performances/106/artistID" ["value"]=> int(243) } } }