Songs For Space / Fashion District
13:30 - 14:001:30 - 2:00p
14:25 - 14:552:25 - 2:55p
Kassa Overall
15:35 - 16:053:35 - 4:05p
Lee Fields
16:45 - 17:254:45 - 5:25p
18:10 - 19:006:10 - 7:00p
Aly & AJ
19:55 - 20:507:55 - 8:50p
22:00 - 23:1010:00 - 11:10p
13:00 - 13:301:00 - 1:30p
Chastity Belt
13:55 - 14:251:55 - 2:25p
George Clanton
14:55 - 15:352:55 - 3:35p
I Dont Know How But They Found Me
16:05 - 16:454:05 - 4:45p
17:25 - 18:105:25 - 6:10p
Freddie Gibbs
19:00 - 19:557:00 - 7:55p
Cypress Hill
20:50 - 22:008:50 - 10:00p
The Groovy Nobody
13:00 - 13:301:00 - 1:30p
TK & The Holy Know Nothings
13:50 - 14:301:50 - 2:30p
14:55 - 15:352:55 - 3:35p
Hurray For The Riff Raff
16:05 - 16:454:05 - 4:45p
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists
17:15 - 17:555:15 - 5:55p
Helado Negro
18:25 - 19:106:25 - 7:10p
Lauren Mayberry
19:40 - 20:257:40 - 8:25p
St. Paul and The Broken Bones
20:55 - 21:508:55 - 9:50p
Carl Cox
22:20 - 23:3010:20 - 11:30p
Linda from Work
13:00 - 13:301:00 - 1:30p
Psymon Spine
13:50 - 14:201:50 - 2:20p
The Divorce
14:40 - 15:102:40 - 3:10p
Oh, Rose
15:30 - 16:053:30 - 4:05p
16:35 - 17:104:35 - 5:10p
Pink Siifu
17:45 - 18:255:45 - 6:25p
18:55 - 19:356:55 - 7:35p
20:05 - 20:458:05 - 8:45p
Flesh Produce
13:00 - 13:301:00 - 1:30p
Tres Leches
13:50 - 14:201:50 - 2:20p
Gina Salā Uni-verse: World Music/Chants of Peace
16:00 - 16:454:00 - 4:45p
Shades of Praise Gospel Choir
17:20 - 18:055:20 - 6:05p
Roxanna Walitzki
18:30 - 19:156:30 - 7:15p
Mal De Fluer
20:00 - 20:458:00 - 8:45p
Contribute to development via Paypal
Event days
This planner is Accurate, using only officially released information.
- Acid Tongue
- All Them Witches
- Aly & AJ
- Angélica Garcia
- Automatic
- BadBadNotGood
- Balthvs
- Carl Cox
- Chastity Belt
- Corridor
- Courtney Barnett
- Cunningham/Bird
- Cypress Hill
- Dean Johnson
- Disq
- The Divorce
- Emi Pop
- Flesh Produce
- Freddie Gibbs
- George Clanton
- Gina Salā Uni-verse: World Music/Chants of Peace
- Gold Chisme
- The Groovy Nobody
- Grynch
- Helado Negro
- Hurray For The Riff Raff
- I Dont Know How But They Found Me
- James Blakes
- K.Flay
- Kassa Overall
- Kim Gordon
- King Buffalo
- Kultur Shock
- Kurt Vile & The Violators
- Ladytron
- Lauren Mayberry
- Lee Fields
- Lemon Boy
- Linda from Work
- Mal De Fleur
- Mal De Fluer
- Marc Rebillet
- Me First and The Gimme Gimmes
- Mercury Rev
- Moor Mother
- Muckleshoot Canoe Family
- Navvi
- Neal Francis
- Oh, Rose
- Parisalexa
- Pavement
- Pink Siifu
- The Polyphonic Spree
- Pom Pom Squad
- Psymon Spine
- Pure Bathing Culture
- R E P O S A D O
- Rocket
- Roxanna Walitzki
- Shades of Praise Gospel Choir
- Spoon Benders
- Squirrel Flower
- St. Paul and The Broken Bones
- Stance Choir
- Stephanie Anne Johnson
- Ted Leo & The Pharmacists
- Teke::Teke
- Thee Sacred Souls
- TK & The Holy Know Nothings
- Tres Leches
- Warren Dunes