Click the New
If you haven't used the creator before, or you have auto save turned off, then each time you load the creator you will be greeted with a new planner.
Worth knowing: Changing an already loaded planner from one event to another (instead of creating a new planner) will cause an issue when saving to the website, leaving you only able to overwrite the original event, rather than saving the new event. You can get around this by saving locally and then saving to the website.
You can load a planner from two places.
The first being the Edit
link in the top right of an existing planner, and the second being by clicking the Load
button in the creator.
When loading a planner from a planner view, you will lose any unsaved changes to the current planner you may be working on in the creator (If auto save is turn on).
Deciding to load a planner through the creator shows you a window with 3 tabs. The first tab allows you to search for, and directly load, a planner. The second gives you a list of (up to 10) planners you've recently edited. And the final option lets you pick a planner that has been saved locally to your computer.
When you click the Save
button you'll be presented with a window featuring two tabs. The first tab allows you to save the planner to the website and the second one lets you save it to your computer
When saving an updated planner to the website you'll be presented with an additional text input where you may briefly write about the changes you've made.
Importing stage times can drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to create a planner, assuming you're not planning the stage times from scratch.
The creator supports importing stage times directly from a formatted spreadsheet (All popular file formats should be supported) or text input.
Click , in the Event Info title on the right hand side, to bring up the import stage times window.
Format your stage times in to five columns; with the act name in the first column, start time in the second column, finish time in the third, the name of the stage in the fourth and the day number in the fifth.
The time can be formatted as you like, but make sure you specify am/pm if you're using the 12 hour clock.
If you do not know the end time for a performance then you can leave it blank.
The day number is day of the performance relative to the first day of the festival. So if an act is performing on the Saturday and the event starts the day before, on the Friday, then its day number will be 2.
To load a spreadsheet file, drag and drop the file on to the import stage times window.
If the creator encounters an error while importing your stage times it will provide you with a message detailing the line which it occurred.
If there is an event page on for an event you're creating a planner for then you can import lots of information from that page in to the creator.
List of the imported data: Event name, Start Date, Duration and the Acts performing.
To use this feature: Copy the page's address for the event, in the creator click and paste the address into the text input, then press Import
It is recommend to start a new planner, if your planner isn't already blank, before doing this as, currently, the list of acts isn't emptied before adding the acts from the imported data.
Accuracy and readability are important factors to consider when creating or editing a planner.
Do not use all capital letters for the names of things. Instead use Title case, with the capitalisation a artist (etc) uses for their name taking precedence.
If you do wish for text to be displayed in capitals then consider purchasing a premium key, and using css.
It is recommended to run the artist name auto-correct function, abc
, which can be found on the right of the Artists section title. This function may take several minutes to complete.
You can leave yourself helpful notes all over the planner you're working, simply double click where you'd like one.
Notes are only displayed in the creator and can be up to 250 characters each.
Leave a note blank to remove it.
You can stop interacting (and creating) notes via the "Enable note interaction" check box in the Toolbox section on the left hand side. This keeps the notes visible but slightly translucent, and you can click through them.
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